Clients / Collaborators
Impact Mer has developed a dense and diversified professional network. Our consultants offer a professional and friendly service placing value on fostering long-term relationships with all of our clients.
Our expertise is sought after and valued by a range of clients including government agencies, industries, and other environmental stakeholders.
Local state agencies of: environment, housing and spatial development (DEAL Martinique & Guadeloupe) / Food, Agriculture and Forest (DAAF Martinique) / Public health (ARS Martinique et Guadeloupe) / Coastal conservatory/ National Parks (Guadeloupe) / marine protected areas (AAMP) / Prefectures...
Local governments:
Region & Department of Martinique, Guadeloupe, Sint Marteen, Saint-Barthélemy / Conurbation / River basin committe / Water departmental office / Regional natural parks / Water trade unions / Fishing regional committees
Impact Mer collaborates with many universities and research institutes throughout the world (Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Europe, South & North America, ….)
BRGM / IRSTEA / CIRAD / IFREMER / IRD / UAG / MNHN / Toulouse university / CNRS / University of Portsmouth / Oceanology center of Marseille / Ifrecor / Météo-France / IMA Trinidad and Tobago / IVIC Venezuela / Museo Marino de Margarita, Venezuela
Private sector:
Port Authorities of Guadeloupe, Martinique and Sint Marteen / Oil industries / Groupe Monplaisir / Agribuisness industrialists / GBH / DCNS / RTE / AKUO Energy
Priviledged partners:
Network of local and international experts with complementary skills to achieve our client goals: economists, jurists, landscapers, urban planners, biologists, ecologists, etc.